Hercules uses generative AI to enable cross-jurisdiction billing at global law firms.
Allen & Overy, a leading global law firm, has announced that it is going to be deploying this solution at scale.
One of the challenges faced by global law firms is the lack of accurate billing of time across different jurisdictions. This often results in work not being billed at all. According to some estimates, a typical global law firm loses millions of dollars in revenue because of this issue.
According to Andrew Brammer, Global CIO & SSC Director at Allen & Overy, one of the world’s largest law firms, “ensuring proper time billing for multi-jurisdictional teams can help capture millions of dollars in additional revenue.”
The good news is that Hercules has developed an effective solution to this business-critical problem. Allen & Overy is one of the global law firms to be deploying it at scale.
Why is this a difficult problem?
At global law firms, attorneys frequently collaborate within multi-jurisdictional teams. Due to ethical walls, case data such as client and matter numbers are often not shared across jurisdictions. Thus, emails exchanged are not filed to DMS, and manually added client/matter tags in email subject lines are often dropped. This results in the inability for a team from a different jurisdiction that has worked on the case to properly bill for the work done, potentially causing the firm to lose millions in revenue from billable hours that are not accurately captured.
HerculesAI's solution
Hercules's Filing Compliance solution is an AI-powered application that enables automated classification and filing of emails and documents. The solution automatically identifies and shares key pieces of information required for accurate billing on multi-jurisdictional cases. This includes information such as client and matter numbers, author data, and document types for each email. With this solution, attorneys on multi-jurisdictional teams can properly bill for the work done resulting in capture of significant additional revenue.
“With the Hercules’ filing automation generative AI application, attorneys can now easily file emails into our document management system. This ensures proper billing of time and capture of millions of dollars in additional revenue,” adds Andrew Brammer.
Talk to us
At Hercules, we are committed to enabling enterprises “achieve the last mile” in AI quality by bringing reliable, secure, and powerful generative AI applications that drive immediate business impact. Talk to us today to learn more about this and other solutions.